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7/12 House of Hårdrock ZONE ZERO & ETERNAL of SWEDEN

7 december, 2024 * 17:00 - 01:00

Bordsbokning sara@houseofblues.se eller ring Sara på 0708-397918,
(OBS bordsbokning är endast för ätande gäster och bindande, ni kommer att debiteras för biljett om ni bokar av samma dag). Vid bordsbokning så är ni garanterad plats och behöver INTE köpa förköpsbiljett.
Alla som vill se våra band betalar entré av den enkla anledningen att det är bandets gage. Studenter betalar 50% i mån av plats.

Biljetter på Tickster förköp här.
Dörrarna öppnar kl: 17.00-01, På scen 2130
Entré i dörren 150kr


Zone Zero was formed in today’s setting in 1980 in Djurås. In 1981 they released their first 7” Heavy Metal with NWOBHM style songs.
After some intensive years with most of the gigs in the Dalecarlia area they split up in 1983. Around 2005 the band were contacted
by Shadow Kingdom Records, asking for unreleased material, which made the band start looking for old recordings and got together recording some new songs.

In 2013 Zone Zero showed up in Sweden Rock Magazine as one of the 100 best hard rock band in Sweden and got contacted
by Muskelrock Festival asking if they would make a comeback and go on stage again….and they did!

Their first album (Double CD) “The lost legacy” was released by Shadow Kingdom Records in 2014
containing old material from the 80’s and some new songs in the same style. The band continued to perform on stage and
started to aim for a second album “Screams from the valley” that was released in fall 2021.

-Spotify: Screams from the valley – Album by Zone Zero | Spotify

-YT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7kfO21E3XU


-FB: https://www.facebook.com/zonezeroswe


Eternal is a Swedish melodic metal act that was formed in the deep Dalecarlian woods back in 2007.
In 2008 they released their debut EP “Start of a new era”, and the first fullength album
“Chapter 1” saw the light of day in March 2012. Their second album “Heavens Gate” was
released early 2016 and expressed a darker side of the band.
The band themselves describes their music as a blend of the superb melodic metal of the
80:s, and the raw power of today. The band is currently working on their third album.

YT: eternalsweden1 – YouTube

FB: Eternal (of Sweden) | Facebook

Spotyfy: https://open.spotify.com/artist/36luBanmBV7gdDnXINjhvP?si=b80947533aad4111


Alla våra evenemang genomförs i samarbete med House of Music, Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan och i detta fall House of Blues, Punk, Hårdrock, Reggae/Ska, Country/Americana, Jazz och Rock n Roll/Rockabilly som är musikgrenar i musikföreningen House of Music.

Nyfiken på House of  Music´s vänner, stödmedlem eller som volontär i just din favoritmusik maila Benny@houseofblues.se för mer info


7 december, 2024
17:00 - 01:00